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Changed career and improved her relationships


Updated: Jan 27, 2023

I have always had a passing interest in life coaching, but admittedly didn't know much about what it really was about; other than the fact that it is obviously aimed at making your life better! So, when I first contacted Richard, I was very open to just 'giving it a go'. I have, in the past, gone through counselling which was helpful, however, I just felt that I was at a point in my life where I had looked back enough and was ready to look forward.

During my initial informal chat with Richard, I realised quickly that he was easy to talk to, as he was super friendly and made me feel comfortable almost immediately. Then, when I had my first proper session, I must admit that I felt a bit anxious ; this is part of the reason why I got in touch with him in the first place, as I have recently started suffering from anxiety attacks. The reason that I became anxious ( and even a little embarrassed ) was the fact that I was talking, almost non-stop, for a prolonged period of time. However, when I explained how I was feeling, Richard quickly put me at ease, by explaining that this was all perfectly fine, as it was not like a 'normal conversation'. He also assured me that I was not just going round in circles or repeating myself. After that, I became much more relaxed and quickly realised that Richard was very good at chipping in, at the right moment, with a question aimed at helping me to move my thinking forward.

During my sessions, I found a lot about myself. Many of the things that I discovered were really positive, which has really helped with my anxiety, as I have realised that I am actually a pretty nice person who is just trying my best to navigate 'what life throws at me'. However, I also found out a few things about myself which I wanted to work on. For example, I have realised that, at times, I have played a part in making my relationships with loved ones tougher I'd like them to be. By talking these things through with Richard, I have really moved forward in my thinking. However, it is important to mention that Richard never gave his own opinion regarding these issues, he simply asked questions which helped me to come to my own conclusions.

Another thing, which I found really helpful, was setting a goal to aim to either achieve or work towards, before the next session. This helped me to focus, as often in life there are so many things to think about and it can seem a bit like 'where do I start?'

I would highly recommend getting in touch with Richard, even it is just initially for a chat to find out more about what he offers. A friend of mine has already asked for his details, as she has listened to me talk, on several occasions, about how much he has helped me.

Good luck to anyone reading this !

Best wishes,

Jennie (ex teacher - current cookie fairy!)

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