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Frequently Asked Questions

Image by Evan Dennis
  • How can I start working with you?
    Do you think the time is right and you are prepared to invest in yourself and your future but unsure how I can help or if I am the right person for you? Then for the next step after that is to arrange a short ‘discovery call’. In this we will discuss what the issues are that you are currently having and what you’d like to get out of coaching. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other a little better and clear up any questions or concerns you might have. To arrange a discovery call hit the Let’s Chat button in the top right hand corner, fill out the contact form and I will email you to arrange a suitable time for your call. I look forward to meeting you!
  • What should I prepare for my discovery call?
    It can really be helpful to have a good idea what you might want coaching on, even if the goal isn’t clear. If your not sure about that it would be worth trying to clarify prior to the discovery call. For example, you might know you’re feeling stuck and need to make a major life change but aren’t sure what that looks like. Another example could be you know you want a new career but don’t know what in or how to start. Don’t worry you don’t need to turn up having all the above worked out. The call itself might help bring you some clarity as to what it is your seeking. Lastly it would be helpful if you haven’t already to take a look at the Packages page and decide on the degree of commitment you want to make.
  • How is coaching different from counselling or therapy?
    Counselling and other forms of therapy are often focused on the past and working with that to understand how that made us into how who we are today. ​ Coaching is future focused and, whilst acknowledging our pasts, recognises that there is nothing we can do about that but we CAN change what happens and who we are going forwards. ​ It differs from mentoring because it doesn't require a coach to be a peer in your profession to help with your challenges and won't offer advice what to do next. Working together you decide what to do!
  • Do you offer group coaching or workshops?
    Not at this time but if you're a professional and interested in collaborative work then get in touch.
  • Are you going to give me answers to my problem?
    No, YOU are! Let me explain... ​ My coaching is a collaborative process between you and I. I start with the understanding that on a deeper level you already know what you want to do but something or somethings are stopping you seeing this or getting there. Through a combination of deep listening, explorative discussion and insightful questioning we will we work together to find your blocks and move you closer to your goals and the life you are working towards.
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