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How can I help you?

About me and why I can help

I am currently working with individuals to help them explore and create the kind of relationships and full life they desire through powerful individual coaching.


I began my career as an NHS doctor for 20 years until I left in 2020 wishing to explore my life and discover what I truly love. 


I believe that how we relate to ourselves tells the world and our partners how to treat us. 


Let's figure out what you want to say to the world. 


Image by Jp Valery

But I recognise a lot of people are struggling with a lot with these parts of their lives too and and can get stuck in a rut with no idea how to improve things and nowhere to turn and nobody open up to. They struggle on in silence and all too often suppress their true feelings and needs and either continue to quietly to suffer in discontent, act out in secret or eventually explode and open up in an unhelpful and destructive way. 


Image by Aaron Burden

I want to work with you to avoid this happening and to help you feel happy and at ease with who you are and your desires and needs in your relationship and how you can work with your partner so you both are happier. 

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