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Are you feeling lonely?

"Are you feeling lonely?"...

Did you know one in ten UK workers often or always feel lonely at work? Or that amongst senior managers 32% say they feel lonely and more than half feel estranged from their colleagues? ( Source Opinium/Red Cross ).

This and other research backs up the expression "it's lonely at the top".

I saw it over and over in my many years as a doctor and the maladaptive ways that people addressed it:

Booze 🚫

Drugs 🚫

Comfort eating 🚫

Affairs 🚫

Never switching off from work 🚫

Harmful exercise addiction 🚫

Having a safe space to speak freely and openly about all facets of their life is something my coaching clients really value. The things that are going well AND the things that aren't going so well.

Someone by their side that is working with them to help them to achieve their goals in a balanced way that's not at the expense of family connections, relationships and their health.

Perhaps even more importantly a place to vocalise, visualise and begin to plan their big dreams and goals. Without THOSE looks from those closest to them ( if you know you know... ).

Having someone that can hear your inner voice that says "Yes you CAN!' and help you not only hear it louder but start you on the path to making it happen.

If you're looking to feel less lonely, more heard, more empowered and more motivated to move your life to the life you want to be living then get in touch for a free no commitment call to see what coaching with me could do for you!

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